
Star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors
Star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors

You cant miss it, its a big freakin ship!.

star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors

Once you have taken care of the enemies stand on the platform where that Rodian was and check out the scenery to the right. Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Lightsaber Crystals Colors Jump over the broken bridge and in front of you there is a Rodian defender on a raised platform with a blaster. Hidden Milennium FalconImperial Raxus PrimeRight at the beginning of the level, after you force push through the first metal barricade, you follow a path that curves to the right, with a cliff to the left that is patrolled by TIE fighters.

star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors

Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Master (100) - Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Lord (100) - Complete Game - Sith Lord difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started.Sith Warrior (100) - Complete Game - Sith Warrior difficulty. List of AchievementsHere's a list of the known achievements (except the twelve secret ones):Apprentice (75) - Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. (Gold) - Take Luke to school'No More Lies, Old Man' (Gold) - Defeat Obi-Wan, before and after he becomes more powerful than you can possibly imagine100% Complete (Platinum) - Unlock all trophies.And The Quarterback Is Toast (Silver) - Defeat Boba FettApprentice (Bronze) - Complete Game - Apprentice difficulty. Extra Characters and SkinsAt the main menu, choose Options and then Cheat Codes.

star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors

  • Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Lightsaber Crystals Cheat CodesĬheatsMain Menu Options Enter CodeOSSUS - All databank entries unlockedKATARN - All Force Powers Unlocked and MaxedADEGAN - All saber throw ranks unlockedJOCASTA - All Talents UnlockedLIGHTSABER - Amplified DamageRAGNOS - Combo UnlockMINDTRICK - Makes levels mirrored.EXARKUN - Maximum Force Push.
  • Star Wars The Force Unleashed Lightsaber Crystals Cheats.
  • Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 Lightsaber Crystals Colors.
  • star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors

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    Star wars the force unleashed lightsaber colors